Mattresses in Greenville, South Carolina

We carry two Amish mattress manufacturers including Country Bedding & Heartland Mattress.

Amish Mattresses from Country Bedding & Heartland Mattress in Greenville, SC

A Brief Review of Our Mattress Components

Premium Foams

In all our premium mattresses, we use a high density foam to maintain a long-lasting comfort.

Quality Box Springs

Featuring heavy duty True-Flex springs.

Center Support

Featuring Ring Flex in our mattress centers. While all mattresses will eventually show some body impression, this feature helps alleviate this problem.

Full Edge Support

We use Edge Guard technology for full edge support to eliminate broken edges and border wire.

Visco Foam

Visco is a memory foam developed by NASA. Visco is sensitive to body heat. Hence the warmer it becomes, the softer it will be. Visco tends to sleep warmer. Heartland uses a brand using cool technology that sleeps 2° cooler than other memory foams. All our Visco beds feature a 4 lb. or better quality.

Latex Foam

Latex foam is a natural foam using sap from a rubber tree. This is boiled down and poured into a form with pins. Hence the air holes. This allows it to breathe. Latex is a premium foam with a projected lifetime of 20 to 25 years. Latex is also a natural dust mite deterrent, so you will have less dust in your mattresses, hence better quality of air at night and less prone to allergies. Because all-natural Latex is extremely heavy and expensive, we use a blended 80/20 version (80% synthetic/20% natural).

Pocketed Coils

Our pocketed coil units feature individual coils, wrapped in fabric. This allows the coils to flex and conform to the individual contours of the body. This coil design is very unique and can be used on adjustable beds, and roll-packed without causing any harmful stress to the unit.


All our innerspring mattresses are manufactured using recycled domestic steel. We do not use any imports. Most of our premium line use a 13-gauge (heavy duty) innersprings. Our 660 coil (full size) features inverted innersprings and the helical coil is run lengthwise. This also also helps reduce motion transfer.

Quality Workmanship

While we do not claim to build a perfect mattress, we strive to come as close as humanly possible. Each individual mattress is handcrafted and inspected prior to shipment. Heartland Mattress LLC is dedicated to maintaining a standard of excellence in quality and workmanship, with a goal to build a brand name (Heartland) that you can trust for generations.

Box Springs

Heartland is committed to a quality box spring. Most mattress sags come from lesser quality bed frames or no center support and box spring failure. As a sales rep, this must be stressed. We require all bed frames to have a minimum of one center support leg to the floor (king size needs four).

“They have a wonderful staff and made our purchasing experience very nice. They have furniture ready to walk out the door our you can get furniture that you can stain yourself to save money. Or, you can have them stain it for you so you get the color you want or need. The have Amish made furniture there also which I really like. And they have a great selection of bar stools if that is what you are looking for.”

Roger Stoddard

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